Call for Cups! by Emily Schroeder Willis

If anyone is interested, my good friend Jayson Lawfer and I will be jurying the upcoming cup show at the Clay Studio of Missoula.  The entry fee is really reasonable ($22) for 2 cups! Applications need to be received by November 18th.  Click on the logo for more information!

Good News by Emily Schroeder Willis

It's always a nice surprise when you get a note stating that your work will be featured somewhere special.  So, for those of you who subscribe to Ceramics Monthly, I have an image featured on their "Exposure" Page.  It's for a show that I have coming up in October at the Edwardsville Art Center in Edwardsville, Illinois.  It's with a great group of artists:  Karl Borgeson, Mary Louis Carter, Sam Chung, Susan Dewsnap, Rick Hensley, Jan McKeachie Johnston, Kirk Lyttle, Donna Polseno, Liz Quackenbush, Shoko Teruyama and Sandra Trujillo.

The Show will run October 14 - November 18.  Hope you can see it!


Just had to by Emily Schroeder Willis

I always try and put some flowers in one of my vases for our monthly First Fridays event and these ones were just too great to not photograph.  This vase is still for sale!  You can buy it off of my Etsy site if you are interested :)


In the Neighborhood? by Emily Schroeder Willis

If you are in the Ravenswood area tonight from 6:30 - 9:00, please be sure to stop by Lillstreet and check out some great art that is available for purchase by our artists!  Not to mention, there will be awesome music playing!


Home Again, Home Again by Emily Schroeder Willis

So after two weeks on the road, my feet have finally stopped back in Chicago.  I had a fabulous week in Santa Fe with one of the best groups of students, ever!  I feel like they pushed themselves and their work to accomplish things they didn't think they could possibly do and in turn, I learned a lot from my students.   Avra and Birdie were such wonderful hosts and the break from this crazy Chicago humidity was MUCH needed.  Here are a few pictures from the trip!

Arriving at Santa Fe Clay

Hard at work     





Spout demo on water bottleSome of the work I made while at Santa Fe Clay


















Work from a beautiful tile shop I would walk past in the morning





On the Road by Emily Schroeder Willis

This next week I will be in Santa Fe, New Mexico doing a 5 day workshop at Santa Fe Clay!  I am really excited to be doing this and really look forward to meeting some new artists and fellow pinch pot enthusiasts.  After the week in Santa Fe, my husband and I will be heading up to Colorado for a long awaited trip into the mountains.  It should be a great time to unload and get inspiration!

Busy Bee by Emily Schroeder Willis

Well, I am not beeing as busy of a bee as I should be (or bee), especially considering how much work it takes to fill up one of the gas kilns at Lillstreet, but here is a look into my studio and the things that are progressing along!

These images were taken by one of our lovely Lillstreet photo students, Rabbi Paul Seiger


New Beginnings. by Emily Schroeder Willis

Well, you've gotta start somewhere!

I have had my studio at Lillstreet now for almost 10 months and I feel like I am just finally starting to settle in.  I have revamped my studio space and I have been busy making new work and trying to figure out what the next step is.  Here are a few pieces that came out of my last kiln.


in the mean time...if folks would like to see what I've been up to, you are welcome to stop by the studio on Friday May 6th at 6:30pm.  Lillstreet will be starting "First Friday" beginning in May, meaning, all of the artist studios will be open to the public and folks are welcome to stop in.